• Google treating a 410 return code as a bit "more permanent" than a 404. Is that like being a little bit pregnant? http://bit.ly/ucRKd #
  • Just had an interesting chat with @aaranged about Social Media Strategy. Creating a SocMed strategy is one thing implementing it is another #
  • RT @bluefinch604 #beatcancervancouver Opus Salon donating $0.01 to “Wigs for Kids” Program for every RT. Details: http://bit.ly/37TlTn #
  • Conversion Rate Experts featured in Fortune magazine. It's good to see optimization getting press. Congrats lads! http://bit.ly/4kIWoN #
  • Pete Cashmore of @mashable fame hits the mainstream media and oh btw your privacy is dead and gone http://bit.ly/2zzh6B #
  • How to get your corporate website listed in Google Finance? Start here: http://bit.ly/1gzgQI (Google Forum) #
  • The Myth of Usability Testing via @alistapart – an excellent article http://bit.ly/3gXtOh #
  • Reading: "Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Using RSS/Atom feeds to discover new URLs" ( http://bit.ly/1pRtKz ) #
  • If you are interested some excellent conversion rate strategies and landing page best practices follow @unbounce #followfriday #

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Dan Nedelko