It’s true, we ❤️  AdWords Scripts. We’ve compiled a collection of some of our favourite scripts that we use (and extend) every day for our AdWords campaigns.

Didn’t get the memo? What Are AdWords Scripts?

AdWords scripts provide a way to programmatically control AdWords data using JavaScript. We use scripts to automate common procedures or interact with external data—for one to many AdWords accounts.

AdWords Scripts are extremely powerful, allowing us to extend, automate and add very powerful intelligence to our campaigns.

AdWords Quality Score Tracker v3.0

We’ve talked a lot about the important of Quality Score. In the real world Quality Score can be a management challenge, especially with larger campaigns.

This Quality Score tracker by Martin Roettgerding one of the go-to scripts in our arsenal.

Get the AdWords Quality Score Tracker v3.0 script here

Pause Ad Groups with Declining CTR

Pause a campaign and notify your traffic manager when CTRs begin to decline. This is also a go-to for larger campaigns, when we see performance declining, pause so we can see what’s going on. 

It’s also nicely organized by label making a sweet saved filter view for rapid access.

Get the Pause Campaigns with Declining CTR Script

Keyword Performance Report

Loving this one, it’s a great example of the more advanced examples Google provides to us. Weekly distribution charts related to the quality score and average position of ads triggered on Google search.

Keyword Performance Report is an example of advanced reporting functionality provided by AdWords scripts. Advertisers like to understand how keywords are performing in their campaigns. Two important metrics for keyword performance are quality score and average position of ads triggered on Google search. Keyword Performance Report generates a Google Spreadsheet with a number of interesting distribution charts.

Get The Keyword Performance Script from AdWords Scripts at Google Developers

TV Schedule Co-ordination

Live events and television schedules can allow you to be at the right place at the right time.

This script allows you to coordinate the use of bid modifiers on your campaign bids with a pre-defined schedule in a spreadsheet.

A typical use case would be to coordinate an uplift of bids with TV-based advertising campaigns, but other uses are possible, like coordinating with a series of scheduled sports events.

Get The Television Schedule Bid Co-ordination Script from AdWords Scripts at Google Developers

Weather Based Campaign Management

Last (but not least) is the ability to bid up or down your campaigns based on real-time weather data.

The other interesting thing here (and I hope your wheels are turning) would be the ability to adjust your campaigns based on any open data, for example: government and political data, sports information, social data, news data and more. The possibilities are truly endless.

Get The Weather Based Campaign Management Script from AdWords Scripts at Google Developers

We’ll be building out more in our never-ending quest for additional AdWords magic, if you work with us, we also develop custom scripts that can talk directly to your web application.

Have any great ideas for AdWords scripts? Let us know in the comments below or hit us up on Twitter!