Author: Dan Nedelko

Thanks Tips! How to Save a Photo from Instagram – Updated for 2018

Why it’s Important for Businesses Reposting customer’s photos on your social media is not only a great way to strengthen the connection you have with your customers, but it also helps validate your brand with social proof. One brand that does this extensively is MuscleTech. Since they repost the best of their fans content, their…


The 5 Most Common Hashtag Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

Update: With the passing of Margaret Thatcher, one organization caused “#nowthatcherisdead” to trend on Twitter. The problem? The Twitterverse read it as “Now that Cher is dead” instead of  “Now Thatcher is dead”. Queue the “If only we could turn back time. I believe in love after love. RIP Cher #nowthatcherisdead” tweets. Read over your…

Link Earning vs Link Building: What You Need to Know in 2018

  Several top SEO specialists have written about link earning vs link building as if the two concepts are fundamentally different, but we see them as two sides of the same coin. “Link earning” includes the most up-to-date set of industry best practices that are intended to withstand the test of time, whereas most experts…

The Google Mobile First Index – What You Need To Know

Back in November Google announced it was going to roll out a new index and a new “way of working”. It’s now live across the entire Google Network and it’s called the Google “Mobile First Index”. One common question or comment I’ve heard is: Why? Why Google WHYYYYYYY? Businesses & Marketers often get frantic and panic when…


AdWords Scripts We All Need – Right Now

It’s true, we ❤️  AdWords Scripts. We’ve compiled a collection of some of our favourite scripts that we use (and extend) every day for our AdWords campaigns. Didn’t get the memo? What Are AdWords Scripts? AdWords scripts provide a way to programmatically control AdWords data using JavaScript. We use scripts to automate common procedures or…

Thanks Tips! Hootsuite + Instagram Integration

*Updated January 2021 Last week couldn’t have brought better news for community managers everywhere. In case you haven’t heard, Hootsuite has introduced its new integration with Instagram! (Pause for applause.) As a community manager in the ever-changing social scene, there was always one thing I hoped for as I sat with phone in hand, waiting…


Essential Skills Every Marketer Needs in 2015 (with Resources)

Before we dig into the article, I’m throwing up a blogging challenge and I’d invite you to do the same! Here it is: [box type=”note”]My 2015 personal commitment to write 2 quality blogs posts (minimum 500 words, topics must be marketing and/or growth hacking) right here on the Honeypot Marketing Blog or my personal blog at each…

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