Digital Marketing

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Adapting Your Pinterest Content Strategies and Tactics

Pinterest has always been a place where people go to look for new, creative ideas. Lately, we’ve been seeing a shift in daily habits while people adapt to the new normal, and the world starts moving forward again from the COVID-19 lockdown. Those who are coming to Pinterest are looking for inspiration more than ever…

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Webinar Marketing : How to Create, Structure and Promote a Webinar Program

June is here at last, and the first week just flew by in a heatwave. Stay hydrated, friends. This week we’re taking a deep dive into a topic that many businesses struggle with – how to promote a Webinar and execute successfully to increase conversion rates. New technologies can be difficult to adapt to, and…

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How to Set Your Business Up for Success Using Social Media

Just like you can’t build a house on a leaky foundation, you shouldn’t open a social media account for your business without having a strategy in place. All businesses, big or small, need to understand what makes them stand out, why they are different, who they are targeting, and what they are measuring success against….

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Interview: Sofia Lustgarten Biaggini from Quinta Quinoa plus Headless Commerce and Social Selling

The long weekend is behind us, we only got one glorious day of perfect weather, but it was just enough for us bees to recharge and dig into some new and exciting topics. This week we’re looking at headless commerce and how small businesses can leverage social media as a sales channel. And we’re super…

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New Normal Marketing: Cutting Through the Noise Using Social Storytelling

With stage one of re-opening officially underway here in Ontario, many businesses are scrambling to get their doors open and to reach out to their audience to let them know. This week we’re taking a look at some strategies for social storytelling and tactics for how to break through the noise on social media, as…

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Adapting Digital Marketing to a Post Coronavirus World for Business

As the weather gets warmer and we get closer to the next stage of this new normal, our busy bees at the Hive have been collecting delicious tidbits of helpful information that we want to share with all small businesses. How are businesses making the move to adapt to the new normal? What promotional/social calendars…

Pivoting Your Business For The New Normal : Live NOT at the Hive : Episode 128

Businesses of all sizes are pivoting quickly and very successfully. What can small businesses do to pivot their business? How can we adapt? What new tools exist for small businesses to use to help the pivot? NFL Scores 580M Views on Draft Day TikTok Challenge Introducing Messenger Rooms and More Ways to Connect When…


The 5 Most Common Hashtag Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

Update: With the passing of Margaret Thatcher, one organization caused “#nowthatcherisdead” to trend on Twitter. The problem? The Twitterverse read it as “Now that Cher is dead” instead of  “Now Thatcher is dead”. Queue the “If only we could turn back time. I believe in love after love. RIP Cher #nowthatcherisdead” tweets. Read over your…


Essential Skills Every Marketer Needs in 2015 (with Resources)

Before we dig into the article, I’m throwing up a blogging challenge and I’d invite you to do the same! Here it is: [box type=”note”]My 2015 personal commitment to write 2 quality blogs posts (minimum 500 words, topics must be marketing and/or growth hacking) right here on the Honeypot Marketing Blog or my personal blog at each…

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What is CASL? The Basics of Bill C-28

Looking for more CASL? Q&A + Resources: The Honeypot CASL Resource Centre Deep Dive: 4 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About CASL Welcome to the beginning of a month long CASL-a-palooza here at the Hive. We’re going to be publishing a constant stream of practical and actionable CASL information so you’ll be prepared for the coming…

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