We’re all down for making our lives easier, right? Well, with automations, it’s your business’ opportunity to utilize a tool that can change the way you interact with your customers. In this article, we’ll be focusing on campaign automations in Campaña activa.

You want to scale your business, and there’s an efficient way to do just that.

Introducing Marketing Automations…

10 Awesome Campaign Automations to Scale Your Business

Marketing Automations not only provide you with an effective process but an easier one.

10 increíbles automatizaciones de campañas para hacer crecer tu negocio

Let’s dive into 10 great campaign automations that can get you the success your business is looking for.

Holiday Abandoned Cart When one of your contacts abandons a cart on your e-commerce store, the automation will trigger.

The contact is further segmented with date/time conditions for the duration of the holiday sale; that way, they only enter while the sale is in progress.

Your contact will now be sent an abandoned cart reminder email that aligns with other holiday messaging.

The holidays are busy for many people, and they often forget to come back; this is a great reminder to help push those sales through.

Holiday Abandoned Cart


2. Membership Onboarding

When onboarding new customers to your membership program, one of the best things you can do is follow up with them via email.

You not only want to make it easy for users to become members and onboard onto your system. But, by reminding people about their membership, they’re more likely to stay up to date on your products and their value; thus, they will be more likely to convert.

By automating this process, you can ensure that they are put into the onboarding process every time someone new signs up and incentivized to stay engaged.

Pages - Membership Onboarding


3. Product Interest Tagging

Based on the interest categories, ads can target specific audiences interested in the product offered.

This helps in recomercialización to the target market, which builds a stronger connection with the community around the brand. 

El emails are more relevant, which helps increases engagement. 

Here is where rightsizing plays a significant role.

Product Interest Tagging


4. Thank You and Notification

It’s easy for online customers to feel distant from the companies they shop with, so creating a “thank you” automation is a great way to humanize your company and provide a personal touch. 

This small gesture provides your customers with a sense of appreciation and satisfaction. 

There are several moments when you should trigger a “thank you” automation: 

  • When someone subscribes to your list.
  • When someone makes a purchase.
  • Someone donates.
  • Someone provides feedback.

Thank You and Notification

Thank You and Notification


5. Online Course Delivery

For this, you can create an eCourse drip delivered by email.

The online course can be used as an incentive to get more opt-in subscribers.

The messages will give you the chance to provide valuable and helpful information.

You’ll have the opportunity to strengthen your relationship with the contact, positioning yourself as an expert, allowing you to introduce productos servicios.

Great for automating upselling.

Online Course Delivery Automation


6. Weekly Newsletter

Some prefer a weekly cadence; this makes your newsletters more interesting for parts of your audience.

With a weekly newsletter, you can use the newsletter to cross-promotion to get your email subscribers into one that fits their email interest. 

For example, for those who publish lots of content each week, a weekly newsletter may fair better than a daily one leaving more articles to entice the user.

También puedes prioritize the content of each email by tagging in your CMS, or The contact can be created by a content feed or RSS feed showing more pieces to the user’s interest.

Weekly Newsletter


7. Contact Segmentation

Gathering behaviour and Audience data is helpful for segmentation of the different customer groups. 

Everyone has a varied perspective, so we segment it by tastes and preferences in psychographic settings.

3 different buckets for contact segmentation are:

  • Psychographic – Attitude and desires.
  • Demographic – Age, income, and family status.
  • Geográfico – Location and destination.

Contact Segmentation Automation


8. Pages: Lead Magnet Delivery

You need new subscribers but the struggle is with gaining them. The best way to increase your subscription list is to give people a reason to give you their email address in the first place.

Offering incentives will increase the likelihood of consistent subscriptions. Lead magnets are great tools that your audience can utilize. Checklists, templates, and eBooks are just a few examples.

Offering these informative and helpful pieces will help build trust and nurture relationships.

Ensure that your lead magnets are simple, valuable, y effective.

Lead Magnet Delivery Automation


9. Subscription Series

Whether for a streaming service or event subscription, this automation will allow contacts who have signed up to get early access to choose dates, seatsetc.

With this automation, you’re able to continue sending emails to subscribers while running other marketing efforts for each program separately.

Someone who subscribes is in it for the long haul, so use this subscription series to keep them happy and engaged.

It incentivizes new users, reducing the churn rate.

Subscription Series Automation


10. Free Trial Email Automation Workflow

This automation offers your contacts a free trial to help convert them into a customer.

This workflow will send a series of messages over the trial’s lifecycle, putting them in touch with your team.

Your team can now follow up with the contact for a greater chance at a potential customer.

Free Trial Email Automation Workflow



We covered 10 amazing automations that you can use to help scale your business.

But these are only a few!

Campaña activa provides you with many useful templates to help you easily get started creating automations.

These are great stepping stones so you can incorporate your own twist into each automation.

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