The holiday sales season is here!

It’s time for that generic holiday post that we see every year.

Let’s steer clear of that and take a look at some fun and engaging ideas you can do to spice up the holidays.

13 Social Ideas for the Holidays

1. Feature New Products

You can give your audience an insightful experience through Facebook and Instagram Stories by giving them a behind-the-scenes look at your products.

This is an opportunity to: 

  • Showcase products in action
  • Demonstrate “how it’s made”
  • Display the benefits of your product
Feature New Products

2. Offer Express Shipping Benefits

The holidays are stressful enough – so alleviating some of the hassles of last-minute shopping will significantly help your customers.

Offer Express Shipping Benefits

Offer express shipping so that:

  • Customers receive orders before holidays
  • Generate more sales
  • Clear your shop’s inventory
  • Increase customer satisfaction

3. Consider Charitable Giving

By supporting a local charity, you show your support for your community and help you build a strong social presence.

Consider Charitable Giving

Campaign Idea: Post that you’ll match every dollar donated from your community. Reinforcing your support and that you care about the welfare of others. 

4. Be Accessible with Live Chat

You want customers to shop with you 24/7 while providing excellent customer service around the clock.

Offer live chat support for customers inquiring about questions, recommendations, or anything else they need assistance with. 

Be Accessible with Live Chat

Being accessible throughout these stressful times will set you apart from competitors.

5. Host a Contest or Giveaway

Engage and excite your followers with an opportunity to win some exclusive new products or services before the holidays!

Host a Contest or Giveaway

Run UGC contests with existing customers como:

  • Photo / Video contests
  • Hashtag contests
  • “Enter to win” contests
  • Product review contests

6. Run a Flash Sale

Create a sense of urgency – let your customers know about your exclusive holiday deals and when they will expire!

Run a Flash Sale

  • 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways
  • Bundle Campaigns – Overstock/older products paired with core products 
  • Collaborate with aligned brands

7. Create a Virtual Advent Calendar

This is a unique way to increase engagement and have your audience interact with your page daily!

Create a Virtual Advent Calendar

These advent calendars can:

  • Unlock prizes
  • Reveal exclusive deals
  • Incorporate games (puzzles, quizzes)
  • Release secret promo codes

8. Run a “This or That” Story Post

This is a great way to have your audience interact with you while promoting your business through their page.

Users must repost the blank template you create on their story with their answers circled. 

  • Increases page traffic
  • Increases engagement 
Run a “This or That” Story Post

9. Post Story Polls

Polls are another fun way to engage and interact with your audience. Not only are they fun to participate in, but it’s interesting to see which answers gain the most votes. 

Post Story Polls

Polls are great for casual questions and product-related questions to gain some insight into what your potential customers prefer.

10. Share Your Holiday Gift Guide

Gift guide infographics or snackable videos are great ways to promote your products while helping customers find perfect ideas for their loved ones.

They can include:

  • New product promotions
  • Favourite products from small businesses
  • Partnerships: Teaming with local businesses to create a local shop guide
Share Your Holiday Gift Guide

11. Share Your “Year in Review.”

This is an opportunity to be transparent with your community! Share how much you’ve grown with them along the way.

  • Share a roundup on social media of your best-selling products this year
  • Highlight the years’ popular trends
  • Showcase your milestones
  • Share your predictions for next year
Share Your “Year in Review”


12. Post a Holiday Message

In addition to the unique holiday ideas we’ve discussed, everyone still loves a good old-fashioned message.

Post a Holiday Message

Creating a personalized Christmas message for the period leading up to (and after) the holidays will create excitement and joy amongst your audience.

13. Livestream

Another opportunity to be transparent with your audience allows you to showcase your products in action while being available to answer any burning questions. 


Being candid with your audience allows them to feel a sense of authenticity, and the personal approach could be that extra push needed for your next sale!

Wrapping it up

Wrapping up your year with these unique social ideas will be a great way to increase audience engagement and bring joy to your channels this holiday season!

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