• Businesses of all sizes are pivoting quickly and very successfully.
  • What can small businesses do to pivot their business?
  • How can we adapt?
  • What new tools exist for small businesses to use to help the pivot?

NFL Scores 580M Views on Draft Day TikTok Challenge https://hny.pt/nfl-tik-tok
Introducing Messenger Rooms and More Ways to Connect When You’re Apart https://hny.pt/fb-meetings

What’s Working? Ways to Pivot Your Business

  1. Create an online course at https://kajabi.com – it’s low cost and you need zero tech experience, just great content.
  2. Provide free virtual consultations for your customers. People have time and are looking for knowledge and advice.
  3. Go live 3-5 days per week. All you need is a smartphone and some good light.
  4. If you’re in the health & fitness space: create free home workout routines as videos then go live 5 day a week. Then create an online course tailored to your audience.
  5. If you’re in professional services: use your favourite video conferencing or messaging platform to hold client consultations remotely.
  6. Take your business online using the 90 day free Shopify option. You can set your store up quickly.
  7. Create a podcast and start podcasting twice per week. Invite a colleague on once per week and run a focused solution driven podcast the other episode.
  8. Use your social media, email and messaging channels to let you audience know what you’re up to. Ask them to email you questions for next week’s episode and run a Q&A.

‘Highly produced feels fake’: How Politico embraced virtual events https://hny.pt/embrace-virtual-article

Video: https://hny.pt/embrace-virtual-events

The Most Creative Business Pivots of the Week

There are some amazing examples of businesses of all sizes being creative, pivoting and in some cases entirely redefining themselves in an incredible way.

Inksmith a Waterloo startup that was making design and tech tools accessible for kids, has now moved to make face shields and is hiring up to 100 new employees to meet demand. https://www.inksmith.ca/ & https://www.canadianshieldppe.ca/

Real Food Real Kids: https://hny.pt/rfrk

Spiffy the US on-demand car cleaning service have rolled-out a service to sanitize facilities and properties: https://www.getspiffy.com/disinfect

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Dan Nedelko