
Search Engine Optimization


When companies need proven SEO strategy and execution, here's what they do...

Everyday companies are ranking, higher, quicker and with more stability through a systematic and consistent plan.

Our clients and partners see measurable and planned results from our experience in developing modern search engine optimization programs for their brands and products. With over 16 years of information architecture and SEO experience we'll work with you to develop a comprehensive, understandable SEO plan that works with your business.

Search Engine Optimization Our experience spans some of the most competitive online industries including online gaming, travel, stock photography, jewelry sales and informational product sales.

We want to work with you to understand how an effective Search Optimization plan can increase your business, build your brand, provide you with press opportunities, engage your audience and create brand advocates of your customers.

Search is exciting to us and we want you to be excited about the possibilities which exist through modern search engines for your business and your future.

Let's Have a Talk About Modern Search Engine Optimization.

  1. Why we will not tout our SEO Services
  2. Why is a modern Search Marketing and Optimization Plan critical?
  3. But what does this really mean for your business?
  4. Step 1: Developing your Search Marketing Plan
  5. Step 2: Defining the Strategy and Business Goals
  6. Step 3: Developing the Search Marketing Backlog and Sprinting
  7. Ask your burning questions to our team
  8. Welcome to the world of modern search engine optimization
  9. Fresh Search Optimization News from Trusted Sources

Why We Will NOT Tout our SEO Services

You'll likely run into quite a few companies, consultants and "gurus" who will offer you magical "voodoo" services for one of two things: extremely low or extremely high fees when discussing search engine optimization.

When you run into these people, we would suggest turning around and running as quickly as possible. SEO is not magical. SEO is practical, planned and should be extremely predictable.

That's what we do here at Honeypot; create plans that make sense to you and for your business.

Internet and digital marketing are becoming increasingly critical to businesses of all levels. Ignoring your plan today will cost real dollars tomorrow. You might be asking yourself: why is a modern SEO plan important today? Let's dig into that topic in more detail.

Why a Modern Search Marketing and Optimization Plan is Important.

Your potential customers are connected and able to conveniently access information like never before. Consider this for a moment: smartphones now account for 50% of all mobile phones in North America. Your ability to be found through the myriad of channels will be a key factor in your business' marketing success.

Of the estimated 30 billion annual mobile searches, about 12 billion are local searches. Source: Search Engine Land

Now more than ever before, we're interconnected through these new and exciting technologies. Search engines have adapted to this reality and are a part of daily lives. Our job at Honeypot is to work with you to develop a modern and effective strategy which we can execute to grow your business.

What Does Any of This Really Mean for Your Business?

It means all of your potential consumers are walking around with incredibly powerful computers in their hands and pockets. More than ever, there is an immediacy to their lives. They have the ability to make decisions, contact, locate and interact with businesses in real time like never before.

Mere years ago smartphones were the exclusive domain of the elite. Today, smartphones account for 46% of Canadian and 56% of American mobile phones.

In fact, a modern phone is nothing more than application on the portable computers we carry in our pockets. There are even more mobile devices on Earth than people.


Local seo for small businessGoogle understands where you are located when you issue a search; those results are relevant to you based on your physical location. A search in Palm Beach, Florida will deliver vastly different results for the same term than a search issued in Salt Lake City, Utah. The localization trend is growing and it's an important feature for search engines because it's an important feature to human beings.


Is it possible to optimize for personalized searchThe key to search results is personalization. Search engines now deliver results based on your activity in search, social and online. Gone are the days of "dominating search results" and a static notion of ranking #1. Admittedly, they are not gone but personalization is changing the way you see your world from search engine results. Adapting to the changes in personalized search means connecting with your consumers, fans, and advocates.


Search engine optimization across multiple devicesThe world is going mobile. Whether it's a tablet, smartphone, or wearable computer, the days of the desktop dominating a relatively small captive audience are gone. Being prepared for the mobile shift means your search strategy needs to take this consumer behavior into account. Your customers are on the road, looking for you when they are able to visit your location. If they can find your easily via their mobile device, you've opened up some obvious (and incredible) opportunities.


Semantic SEO is a critical factor to take into account today.The Semantic Web. Often misunderstood and often explained incorrectly. You see the semantic web every day likely without realizing that you're doing so. The semantic web is the display of information that is not described with the typical text reference to it. The semantic web is all about giving a search result "meaning". For example, when I Google Leonardo Da Vinci, the results point to all of the contexts and ways that someone may want to learn about that historic figure. Gone are the days of the single webpage about Leonardo Da Vinci.


How does social affect your search results?Our social networks are more than just a list of people we are connected to on a website. They reflect our real-world relationships within the context of life. Quite simply, the social web makes us individuals in the center of our own solar system. Search is embracing that and delivering results which are meaningful to us (individually) as people. Integrating social signals into your search strategy is something we need to consider very seriously.

SEO Plans and Pricing for All Types of Businesses

There is no "one size fits all" silver bullet when it comes to creating your search engine optimization plan. We've created some package plans to give you a starting point when considering your needs.

* Hover over each of the titles or feature items to see additional detail as it applies to the package.
[ahm-pricing-table id=2194 template=metro responsive=true fcolor="#222222" ncolor="#777777" bcolor="#444444"]

What is the Process? What Can I Expect?

Step 1: Developing Your Search Marketing Plan

When we begin working together, we will learn about your current plan, your team, and your business. Getting to know each other is a critical first step in the process and sets the tone for your entire program.

As we begin to work with you, you will see a process unfold that is entirely practical and transparent. Our process is agile. We develop a plan that moves with you, adjusts to your business, and is flexible enough to grow as you grow and evolve. Own plan for you is documented, shared, and thoroughly explained to all members of your team.

We'll work with your team to understand what is needed, what your priorities are and how we can work with you to create an effective program that will carry you forward through the ever-changing landscape of internet and digital search marketing.

Step 2: Defining the Strategy and Business Goals

Now that we've learned about your business and begun the process of developing your modern SEO strategy so it dovetails with your business goals, we're ready to get down to crystallizing your plan in a clear and concise manner.

Our strategic playbook will lead us to develop tactics that will achieve our overall strategy. Our tactics will typically span the following functions:

  • Technical search optimization on your website
  • Information architecture
  • Content development
  • Online PR

As we define the tactics, we will insert these into an executable flight calendar, setting goals, release dates and defining our Key Performance Indicators for the program.

Clear and simple. Now it's go-time...

Step 3: Developing the Search Marketing Backlog and Sprinting

We've mentioned the word "agile" as it applies to our methodology. The agile methodology was born out of a need for a superior software development process. With our background in software development, and as modern marketers, we have fully embraced an agile marketing process.

Gone is the quarterly SEO tome. See you later Gannt charts and the old world of "waterfall" SEO practices. We'll develop 2-week timelines, sprint ahead, reviewing, analyzing and distilling analytics into action.

It's fun, it's effective. We're looking forward to chatting with you about your goals.

Ask Your Burning Questions Daily – and Get Prompt Expert Replies.

Our team at Honeypot will become part of your team. We're responsive, agile and we take our commitment to our clients very seriously.

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Welcome to the World of Modern Search Engine Optimization. Are you Ready?

Modern search has arrived and it's important for you to consider a modern search marketing strategy for your business.

With every new technological innovation that is embraced by a consumer, you have the opportunity to see real return on investment, customers at your counter and even more new opportunities revealing themselves.

We would love to talk to you directly. If you're just not quite ready for that, we're excited to provide you with our learning center which includes how-to guides, up to date blog content, downloadable e-books, and strategic templates.

At the end of the day, our goal is to make your search better, grow your business and get to know you. So let's get started!

Watch How We Do SEO In Real Time

In this screencast, we are reviewing the Anchor Page Strategy which we have implemented hundreds of times for our own sites and for our clients. In this dissection of an awesome page, you'll see how we go about developing a Search Engine Optimization Strategy.


Fresh Search Optimization News from Trusted Sources

The Google Inside Search Blog

8 ways to keep up with the Olympic Games Paris 2024 on Google

Keep up with the 2024 Olympics across Search, Maps, Gemini, YouTube, Google TV and more.
Posted: July 24, 2024, 9:00 am

4 ways Google will show up in NBCUniversal’s Olympic Games Paris 2024 coverage

We’re partnering with Team USA and NBCUniversal to showcase our features in NBCU’s coverage of the Olympics and Paralympics.
Posted: July 18, 2024, 1:30 pm

4 Google updates coming to Samsung devices

New Circle to Search capabilities, Wear OS 5 and more are coming to Samsung’s latest devices.
Posted: July 10, 2024, 1:00 pm

Maisie from Washington, D.C. is our 2024 Doodle for Google winner

Today we’re announcing the 2024 Doodle for Google national winner.
Posted: June 26, 2024, 2:30 pm

4 ways to find great prices on Google during summer sales

Get ready to shop summer sales on Google with an updated deals destination, a new feature that compares membership pricing and more.
Posted: June 24, 2024, 5:00 pm

The Honeypot SEO Blog

Is your content not performing as well as you'd hoped? Simply creating content and releasing it doesn't guarantee success for your business. Conten...

Author: Dan Nedelko
Posted: August 5, 2022, 10:09 pm

It can undoubtedly be frustrating when your business or website comes up at the bottom of a search. That's exactly why you need proper SEO optimiza...

Author: Dan Nedelko
Posted: July 22, 2022, 9:04 pm

Grabbing the top position in Google is a world of struggle. No matter your field of business, you need an advanced tool to monitor your SEO through...

Author: Dan Nedelko
Posted: January 18, 2022, 2:22 pm

So you've invested in content creation, realizing that content creates relationships and customers when done correctly. Fantastic!  After all of th...

Author: Dan Nedelko
Posted: October 25, 2021, 6:23 pm

Are you in the news, or are you the news? Creative and agile campaigns and public relations strategies are a tried and true method of launching you...

Author: Dan Nedelko
Posted: April 23, 2018, 10:05 am