Well now that Yahoo and Adcenter are joining up, a new battle for the PPC budget might be on the way. Companies want to get the best for their money, of course, but sometimes cutting edges will backfire on the whole strategy behind PPC (Pay Per Click).

We had a client telling us once that we should not bid for the top organic searches they were targeting.

Now here is a trick question:

What would you prefer, to have one organic link on the first page or a paid link and an organic link on the same first page?

Think on it for a while.

If you do not know the answer, we can help. At Honeypot Marketing, we strive to provide our clients not only with the results they want but also with the knowledge they require to understand what is better. Sounds different? We are.

SEO same as old fashion marketing is applicable to all areas, industries, business types, so no matter what your company does, we can help.

So getting back to the PPC campaigns, setting an additional budget, or splitting the current budget to target into the Yahoo/Adcenter venture can provide additional revenue satisfaction.

Why? Yahoo’s experience on highly targeted paid search added to the Microsoft platform can only produce positive results for advertisers.

We are not undermining Google’s Adwords power it’s just that there is a new kid in town, re-vamped, and they are a good alternative.

Bidding with the Yahoo/Adcenter platform from the beginning is going to be less expensive since less people will be trying to outbid your keywords.

We can help implementing multiple PPC campaigns at a time.

Think about it, it’s like grabbing the .com revolution at the start, a one-time shot. Contact Honeypot Marketing, we can help.