SEO for business

Search Engine Optimization

SEO for businesses of all sizes including eCommerce SEO, Shopify SEO, Wordpress SEO and custom CMS optimization

Book a Consultation

When businesses need proven SEO strategy and execution, here’s what they do…

Everyday companies are ranking, higher, quicker and with more stability through a systematic and consistent plan.

Our clients and partners see measurable and planned results from our experience in developing modern search engine optimization programs for their brands and products. With over 2 decades years of information architecture and SEO experience we’ll work with you to develop a comprehensive, understandable and agile SEO plan that works for your business.

Search Engine Optimization

Our experience spans some of the most competitive online industries including online gaming, travel, stock photography, jewelry sales and informational product sales.

We want to work with you to understand how an effective Search Optimization plan can increase your business, build your brand, provide you with press opportunities, engage your audience and create brand advocates of your customers.

Search is exciting to us and we want you to be excited about the possibilities which exist through modern search engines for your business and your future.

Your potential customers are connected and able to conveniently access information like never before. Consider this for a moment: smartphones now account for 50% of all mobile phones in North America. Your ability to be found through the myriad of channels will be a key factor in your business’ marketing success.

Of the estimated 30 billion annual mobile searches, about 12 billion are local searches. Source: Search Engine Land

Now more than ever before, we’re interconnected through these new and exciting technologies. Search engines have adapted to this reality and are a part of daily lives. Our job at Honeypot is to work with you to develop a modern and effective strategy which we can execute to grow your business.

Rank Higher

Ranking well is essential to SEO success, and we can make it happen. This can be accomplished with a deep knowledge of your industry, who you are competing against and what keywords are most likely to bring the right visitors to you. We’ve created some of the finest software available, including one-of-a-kind tools that will give us all the information needed for an effective SEO plan; so that you can leave your competitors in the dust.

Get More Qualified Traffic

There is an old saying: If a user performs a search in the woods but no one is there to find you do you make a sound… wait… that’s not it. This is it: How many searches would a searcher perform if a searcher… nope… that’s not it either.

Forget the sayings. Simply put, ranking well is essential and traffic is critical. After all, you would not be looking for an SEO Agency if you did not want more qualified traffic. Here at SEP we create and execute on plans that go beyond ranking. With an emphasis on quality first, our team with bring the right people to your site.

Grow Your Business

If rankings are essential and traffic is critical then business growth is vital. Where most agencies stop at Rankings + Traffic we go further for our clients.

We put your marketing dollars to work for you and measure true blue return on your investment. As time passes our strategy shifts progressively toward converting Rankings + Traffic into Revenue. Your strategy and reporting are focused on what matters most to you, customers.

SEO Expertise That Will Grow Your Business

Structured Program

Google Search Console

Rich Results

Speed Optimizations

We Do NOT Tout our SEO Services

You’ll likely run into quite a few companies, consultants and “gurus” who will offer you magical “voodoo” services for one of two things: extremely low or extremely high fees when discussing Search Engine Optimization.

When you run into these people, we would suggest turning around and running as quickly as possible. SEO is not magic. SEO is practical, planned and should be extremely predictable.

That’s what we do here at Honeypot; create plans that make sense to you and for your business.

Digital marketing and search are critical for businesses of all sizes. Ignoring your plan today will cost real dollars tomorrow.

Let’s Talk

We simplify Search Engine Optimization so you can focus on growing your business. Our experts are always available to assist you with any of your issues, needs or requests. Even if you’re just looking for some friendly advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us or give us a call.

You are under no obligation to make a purchase and we keep your personal information private and confidential.

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SEO Articles, Guides and How-Tos from the Honeypot Marketing Team

SEO Fundamentals and the Future of Search for Business

Originally Published
Last Updated
It can undoubtedly be frustrating when your business or website comes up at the bottom of a search.That’s exactly why you need proper SEO optimization to increase traffic to your…

The WordPress SEO Checklist

Originally Published
Last Updated
This week I spent a great deal of time looking through the best-performing Honeypot blogs and ensuring they were optimized for 2018. In addition to updating old links and processes…