Pinterest image collage with logo in center

Pinterest has always been a place where people go to look for new, creative ideas. Lately, we’ve been seeing a shift in daily habits while people adapt to the new normal, and the world starts moving forward again from the COVID-19 lockdown. Those who are coming to Pinterest are looking for inspiration more than ever before. Whether it’s activities for bored kids or DIY projects around the house, the volume of content being searched and saved is rising. 

Your brand can be an essential partner and solution to Pinners in this process. 

Be Honest With Yourself, and With Your Audience

If you want to build trust and communicate effectively with your audience, you need to understand your brand, its mission and vision, and the role it plays in consumers’ lives. 

It’s necessary to think critically about your brand’s ‘why.’

image of push pin in a lightbulb
If you have a blog or editorial content with helpful insights on photography, upload this type of content to add value to the conversation. Don’t post about bread making just because it’s a trending topic if you have no authority or experience to share truly valuable knowledge (unless you also happen to be a master baker – in which case, you’re invited to dinner). Sticking to what you know should be the golden rule here.

We’re All In This Together

Recently, we’ve seen a search volume spike in areas like working out from home, DIY home projects, family health, emotional well-being, and easy pantry recipes. Users turn to brands as reliable sources of information on Pinterest; creating a unique opportunity to help Pinners find ways to bring new value to their lives by offering resources and solutions for pain points. Look at how your brand possibly connects with current trends and pin accordingly, with content that your audience will find useful.

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Really Think About Design

Consistency and quality are hallmarks of trustworthiness, so make sure your brand presents itself in the best possible way. When in doubt, turn to the Five Dimensions of Inspiration to communicate to Pinners with integrity. Ask yourself, is your content:

Positive – Fuel Pinners’ imaginations with hope, and ideas for the future they can visualize.

Relevant – Things move quickly, and the message that was helpful yesterday might not make sense today. Offer ideas that feel additive at this moment while keeping evergreen solutions in mind.

Actionable – Use text overlay, Pin titles, and description fields. Research keywords relevant to your brand. Add clear CTA’s to encourage engagement. Give your audience a reason to engage and encourage action.

Original – Pinners are always experimenting with new ways of living and working. Offer up new ideas, ways your product or brand will help them work, cook, shop, parent, and play. Keep the inspiration coming in a time when we need it most.

Visually appealing – Pinterest is ultimately a visual platform, so you only want to use the most appealing images to represent your brand. As always, consider how you can best use graphics to communicate your message efficiently while still standing out.

Pinterest collage many objects in red

Give Pinners What They Want

Now more than ever, it’s important to consider the content you produce when Pinning for your audience. Your product or brand can be an essential partner or solution, so think about where and how you can add value. Simply put, go to them, don’t try to make them come to you. 

Giving your audience the content they want when they want it will significantly impact the engagement you receive on your business account. A great resource to consider is Tailwind – a valuable time-saving Pinterest scheduler you can use to automate the sharing of images from blogs to boards. Tailwind will post Pins for you on the dates and times you choose, will monitor your profile performance, and optimize it as you go. It’s like having a virtual assistant who works around the clock for you.

Use these tips to boost the performance of your Pinterest account and build a community invested in your brand, and see the results. You can also check out this great post on developing a social media roadmap to set up your business’s social media accounts for success.

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