Email Marketing


Email Isn’t Dead, The Way We Think About It Is

You’ve probably heard that nasty rumour that email marketing is either dead or on the decline. Spoiler alert, it’s not! Hundreds of thousands of small businesses harness the power of email marketing every day.Statistics prove that email marketing remains one of the best ways for businesses to engage with their audiences. Let’s dive in and…

Using Email to Attract, Engage and Retain Customers

Did you know that 99% of consumers check their email every day, and it is by far the preferred method to receive updates from brands? Not to mention that 73% of millennials prefer email communications from businesses, proving that email is far from dead. Let us show you how to do just that by Using Email to Attract, Engage and…

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Beyond the Welcome Email: 10 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Today

Hey everyone! We’re taking a trip to the land of dinosaurs this week, and you’re invited! No, wait, that’s not right. It’s more like back to the future, maybe. No, that’s definitely not right. Whatever. What is beyond the welcome email? That is the question. Let’s just get to the point. Email marketing is NOT…

One List to Rule Them All: CASL Edition

Unless you’ve been living in Gollum’s cave the last few months, you’ve probably heard that the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation- more fondly known as CASL- came into effect on July 1st. The new rules have many marketers worried, especially those who rely on email campaigns and other modern marketing strategies. But not us! We’ve been to Mordor and back…

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