Acquiring new leads is no easy task, so we’ve put together a list of 10 awesome lead magnet examples to help you generate those elusive leads and build brand awareness.

austin powers lead-magnet-meme

What’s New?

This week we’ve got the Google Core Vitals update, Facebook ads revenue is booming, and some fun signage wars between businesses in Listowel! Check out the links below.

Google Core Web Vitals Update and Its Impact on Websites – Google announced Core Web Vitals are becoming signals for ranking in search results in May 2021.

Facebook ad revenue surges 46% as marketer demand lifts prices – Facebook’s advertising sales rose 46% from a year earlier to $25.44 billion in the first quarter as marketers ramped up their spending on social media.

Local Businesses Using Playful Signage Competition to Market During Lockdown – These signs are part of Listowel’s sign war.

What’s Working?

A Lead Magnet is a valuable piece of content that businesses share with prospective customers in exchange for their email address or other forms of contact information.

If you are looking to acquire customers online successfully, then you need a leads list.

To effectively build a leads list, you need a strong lead magnet that baits your customers into providing their contact information.

Your leads lists can then be used for lead generation and marketing campaigns.

Let’s break down what we’ll be talking about:

live at the hive 177 index

Let’s get to it.

Why Use Lead Magnets

Lead magnets deliver high-quality content that provides real value to prospective customers to help build their brand awareness, trust, and credibility.

They open a two-way conversation and help develop a relationship between the prospective customer and your business.

Lead magnets are at the top of the funnel as they target those who are not yet in the consideration stage.

By providing valuable content, you can turn these people into leads and further nurture them into conversions.

Graphic of a lead magnet funnel.

The above graphic is an example of the sales path and where a lead magnet can fit into the funnel.

Some lead magnets can be used for the bottom of the funnel, like case studies, free trials, and webinars, but generally, lead magnets are used for top-of-funnel lead acquisition and brand awareness.

And that’s a pretty good segway for jumping into those 10 lead magnet examples! Let’s go!

1. Checklists

For the first of our lead magnet examples, we have checklists! People love lists. It can’t just be me. So, create an easy-to-follow checklist.

Checklists are pieces of expert information that you convey to your audience.

They usually highlight a list of tasks your audience can complete reaching their intended goal.

You need to know what goal your audience wants to achieve before you can create a checklist.

That way, the perceived value of the checklist will drive them to download your lead magnet.

Here are some lead magnet examples of checklists:

lead magnet checklist example

lead magnet checklist example 2

2. Guides

Guides are among the most common types of lead magnets.

They work well for nurturing your sales funnel as they provide expert tips and secrets that the audience is not already educated on.

People are always looking for information about topics that are important to them.

If your guide provides content that your customers need help with, they will gladly sign up to receive your lead magnet.

lead magnet guide example

3. Case Studies

Case Studies provide actual and specific results that show prospective customers how people similar to them could solve a particular problem.

Showcasing that your product or service has and does work for consumers is a true testament to the value of your business.

Backing your claims and showing how your previous and existing customers have benefited from your business pairs with social proof and could be the last push to get people to convert.

lead magnet case study example

4. Surveys & Assessments

Surveys and Assessments are a great way to engage with your audience and get feedback at the same time.

They are also great sales pieces as they provide your business with real and insightful information about your potential customers.

Results can better understand your audience and help create more targeted content based on the pain points.

lead magnet survey example

5. Quizzes

Quizzes are interactive and help your audience have fun with your content.

People can also share their quiz results online, which will help increase your brand awareness.

Tease your prospects, entertain them with a short and simple quiz, and send the results via email.

You can use the collected data for multiple purposes, for example, to customize a โ€˜welcomeโ€™ email series that is tailored to the answers they gave in the quiz.

lead magnet quiz example

6. Calculators

Calculators are a great way to provide quick answers to complex questions.

Providing quick information and stimulating positive outcomes can increase the urgency in which potential customers react and take action.

Calculators have an average completion rate of 80% because they require minimal effort and are made to be easy and enjoyable to use.

An effective way to gain leads is to allow users to enter their email addresses to receive their personalized reports.

lead magnet calculator example

7. Reports

Reports are valuable content pieces that can drive your audience to submit their contact information to receive your report.

They provide potential customers with a unique brand experience by offering them a customized piece of content.

For example:


  • Reports pull research data from SEMRush’s own database of domains and keywords.
lead magnet SEMRush reports example

8. Contests

Contests are very enticing as they allow your audience to receive a free product or service.

Simply inputting your contact information for a grand prize is very easy and effortless for your audience- they wonโ€™t even think twice.

Offering a prize that is relevant to your business will get them excited about your brand.

Youโ€™ll also get the most high-quality leads as the people entering will be interested in your product or service.

lead magnet contests example

9. Demos & Free Trials

Demos are an excellent way to get people familiar with your product or service, especially if your product is relatively complicated and requires instructions.

App and Software companies use demos and free trials to give people a chance to try it out, and in turn, capture their emails.

But demos arenโ€™t limited to only complex software. You can get creative, like SnackNation!

demo lead magnet example

Here’s a software/app example:

lead magnet Slack demo example

10. Photography

Creating a shareable album or photo collection is an extremely effective way to gain exposure and raise awareness of your brand.

Websites like Unsplash and Pexels allow photographers to upload their imagery to be used and seen by people all over the world. In turn, photographers are credited every time their image is used.

lead magnet photography example

This will increase the photographerโ€™s exposure globally and allow them to find new customers through link building and royalty-free directory submissions.

That’s a Wrap!

Lead magnets are an effective way to gain a prospect’s contact information and educate and share content with your audiences.

The benefits of a lead magnet:

  • Educational
  • Engaging
  • Generate quality leads
  • Provide value
  • Shareable
  • Promote your brand as an authority

As always, thanks for reading, and if you have any questions, comments, or stories to share, drop them below in the comments or hit us up on our socials.


honeypot bee