Internet Marketing

Social Media ROI is difficult to measure, so get IRATE about it!

Many marketers and businesses approach social media marketing with a skewed perspective and notions, mainly the “Go Viral or Go Home!” attitude. This often leads to a rapid burn out your efforts may not see the immediate response anticipated or hoped for going into a program. However, if you don’t go viral, how can you…


Optimizing Social Media Campaign Performance [Case Study]

Last week we wrote about examples of successful social media campaigns. Social and integrated campaigns are a big part of life at Honeypot Marketing. This case study will walk you through a Facebook campaign which leveraged co-branding, meshed the promotion into physical locations and circled it all back to engaging real customers on a local level….


10 mobile apps for the modern marketer

Like most social media, community and inbound marketing teams, we’re constantly on the move. This means it’s important for us to have mobile access to all of our most important tools. The list of social applications for the modern marketer is nearly endless. We decided to highlight our 10 most used applications, in no particular order,…


PPC Marketing – Are you getting your money’s worth?

Well now that Yahoo and Adcenter are joining up, a new battle for the PPC budget might be on the way. Companies want to get the best for their money, of course, but sometimes cutting edges will backfire on the whole strategy behind PPC (Pay Per Click). We had a client telling us once that…

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