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The Future of Digital Advertising – What You Need To Know

The Future of Digital Advertising - What You Need to Know

We are in the middle of a significant evolutionary jump in the world of Digital Advertising.

There has already been a battle with Ad Blockers, Apple's Intelligent Tracking Prevention, App Tracking Transparency, and changing regulations regarding data privacy.

With Google's announcement that it would phase out third-party cookies in Chrome within two years, Advertisers took another hit.

So is this the end of Digital Advertising as we know it?

Not. Even. Close.

Digital Advertising will have to change, become more innovative, and proactively be relevant to consumers to deliver ROI to advertisers.

Let's dive in and break down what's coming for the future of digital advertising.

What's working?

AI & Machine Learning

We often think of AI as self-driving cars and creepy bots. In reality, AI is made up of hundreds of tools and apps that operate all around us - right now.


These behind-the-scenes tools are making our lives simpler with automated tasks. You can expect to see:

First-Party Data Strategy

Most brands aren’t yet harnessing first-party data’s full potential despite its apparent benefits. It’s time to put first-party data strategy front and center!

Five ways to start collecting first-party data:

  1. Tailor to customer objectives
  2. Offer value in exchange for data
  3. Invest in tech and organizational enablers
  4. Test and learn to determine activation
  5. Refine and validate with measurement


Customer Data Platforms & Audience Management 


New Google Ads Features and Formats


Google’ Privacy Sandbox

Google is updating its platform to accommodate changes to third-party cookies with a set of application programming interfaces (APIs); this includes FLoC, SPARROW, Turtledove, FLEDGE, and Dovekey. Advertisers can use these to:

  1. The prevention of spam, fraud, and DoS
  2. Conversions
  3. Ad targeting
  4. Attribution
  5. Federated logins


Google PPIDs 

The Publisher Provided IDentifier (PPID) allows publishers to send Google Ads Manager an identifier for use in:

PPIDs are based on your first-party data; they won’t be affected by the third-party cookie deprecation.


Social Platform Updates Due to Change in Apple's IDFA

Social Media Advertising Platforms such as Tik Tok, Pinterest, Snapchat had to update the following to adjust to the reject changes by Apple


New Updates: Facebook / Meta


The Future of Social Media

Some of the new ways that social networks are going to help us reach audiences:

Omni-Channel Marketing

Omni-channel marketing is the integration and cooperation of the various channels used to interact with consumers, to create a consistent brand experience

Third-party analytics such as and Kochava (mobile) enable Omni-channel marketing with First-Party Data.


Shorter Video Content

Shorter video content is becoming increasingly popular for several reasons: 


With the growth of shorter video content, social media platforms have altered their algorithms to favour it; this is something that marketers can take advantage of when creating content.  

Final Word

It’s a fact that 3rd party cookie data and identifiers are going away.

Businesses and Advertisers have to adapt to the changes as quickly as possible to achieve their marketing goals. 

First-Party data is the future of digital advertising.

We hope you enjoyed learning about The Future of Digital Advertising. If you’re looking for more great content, check out some of our other reads below:

Shoppable Livestreams for Ecommerce

How to Make Content that Drives Conversions and Leads

Driving Content Engagement With Video and Humour



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