
Pushing Out of Your Comfort Zones With Video & Humour
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Pushing Out of Your Comfort Zones With Video & Humour

Is there anything worse than dry, boring, or stale content being pushed out to social media channels?Well…yeah of course there is, but it’s still cringy. The key is: to blend video content and humour to spark engagement with your audience.And no.You don’t have to be a comedian to use humour. What’s on Tap? We’ll look at…

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5 Steps to Creating an Omnichannel Strategy for your E-commerce Store

You’ve built your online store, made sure that your mobile experience is strong, and developed a social media presence; by all accounts, you are doing everything right, so why are your customers not converting? One of the number one reasons is a lack of consistency across all your channels. With an omnichannel approach, you can…

The Future of Digital Advertising – What You Need To Know

We are in the middle of a significant evolutionary jump in the world of Digital Advertising. There has already been a battle with Ad Blockers, Apple’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention, App Tracking Transparency, and changing regulations regarding data privacy. With Google’s announcement that it would phase out third-party cookies in Chrome within two years, Advertisers took…


Shoppable Livestreams for Ecommerce

🎵 I see it 🎵 I like it 🎵 I want it  🎵 I got it 🎵 Well, Ariana must have known the future of eCommerce all along!As brands large and small look for new and engaging ways to connect with their audience, Livestream shopping is shaping up to be the next massive trend in e-commerce.We now have new ways to reach and…

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2021 Digital Marketing Trends in Review and What’s in Store for 2022

Is it just us, or did 2021 go by really fast? We are excited to share new digital trends that alter how we market our products and services each year. That excitement didn’t stop because 2021 was no exception to just how quickly the industry could evolve. With 2022 right around the corner, we will…

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13 Holidays Social Ideas to Stand Out From the Crowd

The holiday sales season is here! It’s time for that generic holiday post that we see every year. Let’s steer clear of that and take a look at some fun and engaging ideas you can do to spice up the holidays. 1. Feature New Products You can give your audience an insightful experience through Facebook…

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Using Canva to Streamline Creative Production Workflows

Did you know that there’s a difference between graphic design and production design? The production design is when you develop an effective creative workflow that streamlines building and editing graphics and video for social media.  Seem impossible? It’s easier than you may think! Marketers have long loved Canva because it is fast and easy! With Canva, agencies…

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10 Google My Business Tactics Businesses & Entrepreneurs Can Use to Succeed

Did you know that 97% of people learn more about a local company online than anywhere else? The sweet, simple days of yellow pages and phonebooks are long behind us! For small businesses, it’s no longer a nice perk to have your business in an online directory; it’s a must-have! Unfortunately, many companies overlook one…

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