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5 Types of Campaigns You Can Use To Grow Your Business Today

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Creating effective marketing campaigns is a great way to grow your business. However, knowing what types of campaigns to use and setting them up isn't as simple as it may seem.

You might be wondering, where do I even start?

What's New?

What's new in marketing: Google Chrome to phase out third-party cookies, google search update, a new studio dedicated to TikTok strategy, and Snapchat doubles down its advertising offer.

Google Chrome pushes back plans to phase out third-party cookies – Google announced Thursday that it would delay plans to scrap third-party cookies from its Chrome browser until late 2023, two years later than previously anticipated.

Confirmed Google Search Spam Algorithm Update On June 23 – Google has confirmed that on June 23, 2021, it has released a search "spam update." The update started and was completed on a single day, June 23.

Unilever, Geico, Madewell, among brands embracing new studio dedicated to TikTok strategy – Unilever, Madewell, Google, MTV, and Geico are among the early partners for a new studio Attn: has set up to help brands better navigate TikTok, according to an announcement.

Snapchat doubles down on its advertising offer, but will brands bite? – Snapchat's offer to advertisers has expanded in recent months as it opened up everything from Commercials to e-commerce and upped the ante for professional creators.

What's Working?

Campaigns are a great way to grow your business by building brand awarenessleads, and customers.

There are several types of marketing campaigns, and the campaign you choose should be specific to your business.

5 Types of Campaigns You Can Use To Grow Your Business Today

To help you grow your business, we'll be discussing these 5 types of effective campaigns: Brand Awareness, Lead Generation - Drive Downloads, Lead Generation - Webinar Registration, Lead Generation - Contesting, and Micro-Moment Campaigns.

1. Brand Awareness

By using social media marketing, you can create brand awareness through:

Why should you care about brand awareness? It helps you foster trust with your audience, create an association, and build brand equity.

Audience Creation

Build your audience. Creating a broader audience allows you to reach more people.

You'll have the opportunity to test ad groups and ads for specific demographics, along with being able to tell a narrative.

You can add limited interest groups to allow Facebook and Google AI to do their job.

Stellar Copywriting Formulas

It's not only about the campaigns that you create, but the kind of copy you write. To help your content stand out, here are some great copywriting formulas you can use:

Problem, Agitate, Solution

P: Identify the main problem.

A: Agitate with emotions & stressors.

S: Offer your product as the solution.

Be X Without Y

Be [solution] without [pain-point].

Focus on what your audience wants to become and how they can achieve it with no stress.


The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of each sentence helps solidify your message.

Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

Get attention via a bold statement. Tease the solution to spark interest. Build desire via wants and needs, then show them how to take action.

Example - Boosted Post For Brand Awareness

Why does a boosted post work?

2. Lead Generation - Drive Downloads

Lead ads are ads that appear on users’ feeds and stories on Facebook and Instagram.

They help businesses collect users’ contact information.

A conversion is an action you want to be completed after your PPC ad is clicked on. This action is most common in the direct response world, a form submission or a sale, or a download, depending on your program's goals.

Examples Lead Generation - Drive Downloads

With this lead generation:

3. Lead Generation - Webinar Registration

A lead generation webinar registration campaign is great for:

Lead Generation - Facebook Forms

Examples of Lead Generation - Webinar Registration

With this campaign:

With this campaign:

4. Contest and Offer Campaigns

Who doesn’t love winning?

Running a social media contest is an amazing opportunity to amplify your brand, your products, and your services. Contests are one of the few effective ways to generate leads with a minimal promotional budget.

Running a specific contest or offers to remarketing audiences offers a higher conversion rate.

Examples of Offer Campaigns

With this campaign:

With this campaign:

5. Micro-Moment Campaigns

Micro-moments occur when people reflexively turn to a device to act on a need to learn, do, discover, watch, or buy something.

They are intent-rich moments when decisions are made and preferences are shaped.


Micro-Moment Types

The types of Micro-Moments that a customer can experience are:


Examples of How to Use Micro-Moment

The best ways you can use micro-moments are:

Marketing Campaigns For The Win!

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Facebook Ads and What to Do When They Fail

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