Looking for ways to increase your sales on your Shopify Store? We’ve got you covered!

We’ll show you many unknown features of eCommerce that will help boost your sales!

Let’s dive in!

What’s Working?

Boost Your Shopify Sales Using Underknown Social Media eCommerce Features


Integrating Facebook with Shopify

Steps to begin integrating your shop:

Step 1: Install the Facebook Channel

Step 2: Select Facebook Shop as the first feature that you want to set up

Step 3: Connect the required Facebook assets

Step 4: Select or skip your data sharing settings

Step 5: Accept Facebook’s terms

Integrating Facebook with Shopify


Running Your Facebook Shop Through Shopify

Running your Facebook Shop through Shopify allows you to:

  • Synchronize your Shopify collections directly to your Facebook Shop 
  • Sell an unlimited number of products and receive regular sales reports
  • Manage orders and shipping through the Shopify dashboard
  • Advertising, gathering, and promotional tools are readily available

Running Your Facebook Shop Through Shopify


Facebook Shop Features

Features of the Facebook Shop:

  • Showcase your product in collections and customize them to your branding
  • Add custom audiences to your ad campaigns
  • Get key insights on the performance of your shop
  • Respond quickly to customers through messenger

Facebook Shop Features


Integrating TikTok With Shopify

Steps to begin integration with Shopify

Step 1: Set up a TikTok for Business account

Step 2: Install the TikTok channel on your Shopify store through “Add App”

Step 3: TikTok channel will appear in your Shopify Admin Dashboard

Step 4: Complete Install

Integrating TikTok With Shopify


Running your TikTok Shopping through Shopify

Running your TikTok Shopping through Shopify allows you to:

  • Easily set up conversion campaigns to promote your products
  • Target your audience with a mix of demographic, location and behavioural variables
  • Generate tons of customized creatives
  • Snapshot of all your important campaign performance data 

Running your TikTok Shopping through Shopify


TikTok Shopping Features

Features of TikTok Shopping:

  • Showcase your product catalogue on the TikTok storefront
  • Promote products by linking them to any TikTok video
  • Create ads that don’t feel like ads
  • Easily collaborate with influencers through the creators’ marketplace
  • Live stream shopping events to attract more audiences and create brand awareness

TikTok Shopping Features


TikTok Live Stream Shopping

TikTok Livestream shopping allows you to:

  • Gain visibility and increase brand awareness
  • A great option to increase the engagement rate
  • Keep up with the needs and wants of their customer segments
  • Inspires impulse buying
  • Develops authenticity instead of over branding

TikTok Live Stream Shopping


Integrating Snapchat With Shopify

Snapchat has made it open for any brand to set up shoppable catalogues and AR filters, allowing customers to browse and purchase items in the app.

Companies are able to make a business profile (Public Profiles for Businesses) which acts as a hub for product discovery.

Once this is done, they can deploy the Snap Pixel and start targeting new and existing customers.  

Integrating Snapchat With Shopify


Snapchat AR Filters

Now that you’ve set up your business profile and deployed Snap Pixel, you can start setting up your products and campaigns!

AR Filters are great ways to introduce new products, have the public try them on, and make them available for purchase.

Not only are they fun to use, but they give customers insight as to how your products will work for them. 

Snapchat AR Filters


Integrating Instagram with Shopify

Instagram Shopping can be set up as the first feature when you install the Facebook channel, or it can be added from the Overview page of the Facebook channel at any time.

  1. From your Shopify admin, click Facebook sales channel > Overview.
  2. Click Set up to start in the Instagram Shopping section.
  3. Connect the required Facebook accounts to the Facebook sales channel.
  4. Review and accept the terms and conditions, then click Request approval.

Integrating Instagram with Shopify


Instagram Feed Post Shopping

A great way for followers to discover new (and current) products.

No matter the size of your business, shoppable feed posts can be extremely effective.

  • You can tag up to five products on single-image and video posts.
  • Add product tags to Instagram carousel posts, and include up to 20 products.

Instagram Feed Post Shopping


Instagram Stories Shopping

Followers can tap on a product sticker to learn more about the product and make a purchase.

Small businesses can drive traffic to their products, rather than wait for the “swipe up” option.

Instagram Stories Shopping


Pinterest for Ecommerce Sales

Pinterest is an ideal platform for eCommerce.

  • The average sales order is $50 — higher than any other social media platform with a marketplace. 
  • Amongst the 250 million active monthly users, 93% of them use the platform to plan their purchases.
  • Buyable pins transform it into a high-quality sales funnel. Users can instantly buy products.
  • Create links between product pages, websites, and social accounts while displaying your products to those who want to buy them.

Pinterest for Ecommerce Sales


Integrating Pinterest with Shopify

First, create a business profile. 

Next, link and verify your website. You can only verify one site with a Pinterest business account, so choose wisely.

  1. Add share Pins to your product pages
  2. Add ‘Shop the Look Pins
  3. Use alternating content formats
  4. Share complementary Pins
  5. Write SEO optimized descriptions

Integrating Pinterest with Shopify

That’s a Wrap!

Now that you know these underknown features for eCommerce, you’ll be boosting your sales in no time.

Take full advantage of these tools to get your product out there on social media! 

Until next time!

That’s a Wrap!

We hope you enjoyed learning about Boost Your Shopify Sales Using Underknown Social Media eCommerce Features. If you’re looking for more great content, check out some of our other reads below:

Top Social Media Hacks to Drastically Boost Audience Engagement & Views

Beyond Lead Gen: How to Engage Your Leads and Prospects

Drive Growth Like a BOSS by Repurposing Content