Honeypot Marketing Weekly Digest for 2010-05-16
Is the iPad Going to Kill the PC Laptop?: http://digg.com/d31R91r?t # Powered by Twitter Tools
Is the iPad Going to Kill the PC Laptop?: http://digg.com/d31R91r?t # Powered by Twitter Tools
Thoughts on Google's new UI rollout? Anyone, anyone? Beuller Beuller? We have a few thoughts over here. # @modsuperstar it kind of reminds us a little bit of the Yahoo Layout. It's an interesting evolution that's for sure. in reply to modsuperstar # Powered by Twitter Tools
Dirty secret of the day: when I'm at home and no one can see I search using Yahoo *shhh* # Powered by Twitter Tools
Join now and win a $5,000 Family Room Reno. Enter daily for a chance to win Dr Oetker instant prizes *Canadians only #ad http://spn.tw/6f5x # Thankfully Kevin Rose is getting rid of the Digg toolbar & also clamping down on the "bury brigade" http://dannedelko.com/digg # Rising searches are your single best way to drive new…
You could win a $5,000 Family Room Reno! Enter daily for a chance to win Dr Oetker instant prizes! *Canadians only #ad http://spn.tw/6f5x # We're putting together content strategies today but not going to lie. It's taking all of our energy to focus on such a beauty day! # Powered by Twitter Tools
Had a fantastic Webinar with the corporate and affiliate teams over at @homeenergyteam last night. # Congrats to @unbounce for the product launch. Looks great and loving it. Self serve landing pages are a marketers dream. # If you're a marketer you need @unbounce – on the fly landing pages, AB testing and self serve…
New Media: a giant bucket where "traditional" marketers don't know where to put things like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. # Rich media, social interactions and video are the future of the internet. Best to be ready for it and engage it rather than react. # Yesterday watch an awesome video on email optimization and recognized…
How Google ranks tweets http://bit.ly/9XTSHu # @Lumichrom Hey there it looks like we're neighbours 🙂 in reply to Lumichrom # @Lumichrom Yup we're in Cambridge – downtown Galt in fact. Nice to see some local businesses embracing social media, many don't. in reply to Lumichrom # Dear Clients: Coming soon to a computer screen near…
We're getting there with http://homeenergyteam.com/blog and the big rollout of their regional blog network. Exciting! # Powered by Twitter Tools
Text "HAITI" to 45678 if you are in Canada and have Rogers, Bell or Fido to donate $5. Do it. Do it now! # @facebook has a brutally slow Advertising approval process. Pick it up guys! I've been waiting forever over here. # RT @dannomatic: Chinese govt hacks GMail, Google hacks back http://dannedelko.com/g7d Cyberwars on…
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Honeypot Marketing is a Digital Marketing Agency located in Waterloo and Toronto, Canada with team members around the world. Founded in 2001, Honeypot Marketing is your source for Business-to-Business and Account Based Marketing strategies, tactics and tips.
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