Author: Dan Nedelko


What is a Webinar? The Missing Link Between Marketing and Sales

It’s a common fact of enterprise business: sales and marketing don’t always play nice. Sometimes the teams work in separate silos entirely, cutting off efficiency at the knees. What is a webinar good for here? It’s a key transition piece in that hand-off between the two departments (or people, if you’re working in a small…

7 Proven Tactics for Instant Web Traffic and Increasing Content Shares

“Build it and they will come” is a failing content marketing strategy—but there’s a better way to get instant web traffic than posting and praying. Don’t struggle alone to promote your message. Follow this playbook instead. You can implement these seven tactics to get the website traffic and social shares that you need to meet…


How to Set Up a Facebook Pixel ID for Effective Retargeting – Thanks Tips!

You already know that you want to track website visitors’ actions to serve them offers that actually interest them. Don’t shy away from this strategy even if setting up a Facebook pixel ID seems like a difficult roadblock. Follow this guide to start implementing effective Facebook marketing tactics without technical roadblocks. Facebook pixels are just small snippets…


Hootsuite: Use Social Media Analytics to Engineer Engagement

There’s a reason why nobody engages with your page even after you’ve posted about everything under the sun: you’re not digging into social media analytics that Hootsuite provides. It should go without saying that you need to understand what’s working and what’s flopping. We’re going to show you how to access Hootsuite’s analytics dashboard and…

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RM101: Week 14 – Social Issues in Advertising – The Good, Bad, & Ugly

This week, I’m going to call out brands for addressing social issues in advertising. More specifically, I’m going to talk about why brands need to be careful when trying to address sensitive topics, and we’re going to look at examples of failures of this. The Good Before we look at some major flops, let’s take…

Use Material Design to Improve Conversion Rates

What is Material Design? Material Design is a design language developed by Google in 2014, and has applied it to the majority of its software products, including Android OS, Chrome, WearOS, and more, all while encouraging developers of third-party apps to do the same. Google aimed to make elements look like physical tiles, blocks, and…


RM101: Week 13 – Stay Relevant. Join the Conversation.

Your brand might have a social media presence, but are you really being social enough? Join the Conversation What do I mean by “Join the Conversation”? Essentially all I’m referring to is keeping up with current trends, holidays, and breaking news in order to contribute to the hashtag discussions on social media. If there are…

How to Leverage the Best Accounting Software for Small Business

Most small business owners and entrepreneurs we work with prefer to execute on their visions instead of billing clients. Does that sound like you? Many of our clients have seen how we use technology to streamline and integrate marketing, and they want to know how we do that with finance and accounting. We use a…

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