> You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
Who Are You?Chad at WorkDigital Marketing InternChad at PlayWriter, Gamer, Photographer, Foodie, Nature Walker, Left-Handed Ginger, Weirdo #### What Does a Day in the Life of Chad Look Like?
#### What Attracted You to Your Career?
I’ve always been a creative person, and I have a fascination with communication and storytelling, so it just seemed like the perfect fit. Words are fun to play with, and helping people shape and communicate a message is endlessly satisfying. I also love visual design and photography and putting things together. It’s my destiny. #### Best Thing About Your Job?
Agency life is fast-paced and has endless variety, and that keeps me sharp and on my toes. I love that there’s no room for boredom, and I get paid to be creative - it’s incredible. #### Most Challenging Thing About Your Job?
The pace. I love it, as challenging as it can be to balance your workload and still take time to flesh out ideas and be creative, having so many clients to work with means specializing in many areas, which means you’re always learning and growing. #### One Lesson You\'ve Learned on the Job?
Be very organized, but fluid enough to roll with the punches. Unexpected things happen. It’s also good to have thick skin. Clients will not like everything you do, so you have to be ready to take that criticism and use it to grow. It can seem frustrating, but it’s always an excellent opportunity to learn and improve your skills. #### One Item You Can\'t Live Without?
My phone. I know. It’s a bland and a generic answer, but it is what it is. My phone is my central hub for news and communication. Sure, I could survive and live just fine without it, but I don’t want to. #### What Tool Do You Find Most Useful at Work?
Again, I’m tempted to give a terrible and generic answer and say the internet aha. Grammarly is handy, but I rarely need it, and half the suggestions are just wrong. If I had to get more specific, I’d probably say Google Analytics or SEMrush. I don’t know how to use either tool that extensively yet, but the data they provide is fascinating for sure. I’d say Screaming Frog, but I’m not ready to play with the big kids yet. Someday soon. Stay tuned, friends. #### What\'s One Thing from Your Bucket List That You Have Done or Want to Do?
I want to publish a book. Not self publish. I’m currently working on a children’s book series planned to be 23 short books, with illustrations—a sort of sci-fi mirror of our world. I will say no more. Say hi to Chad anytime on LinkedIn.