
Recent Articles about Marketing Automation

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How SEO, Digital Ads, and Specialty Marketing Strategies Can Help Grow Practices

It’s true that everyone needs healthcare, so why would medical professionals consider marketing?With the right strategy and marketing, your practice can stand out by reaching patients both new and old, helping grow your business.In this episode, we’ll be talking to Justin Knott, CEO of Intrepy Healthcare Marketing.Justin is a speaker, podcaster, and content creator that helps physicians and […]

Effective Examples of Automation

Unlocking the Power of Automation to Scale Content Creation

You’ve probably heard the well-worn term “Time is money”. With content marketing, a lot of time can be burned on simple or repetitive tasks.That’s where the power of automation comes in…Content automation can help your team’s workflow, allowing them to focus on vital sales and marketing strategies to bring in those new and returning customers. […]

WordPress Plugins

How to Protect Your WordPress Site From Hackers: Plugins, Backups, and More

You’ve worked hard to create your website, investing time and energy in keeping the content up-to-date and relevant for your audience. If you’ve chosen WordPress as a platform, awesome! It can be a secure platform and is one of the most popular CMS options in the world. You’ll need to put in place additional essential […]

Let’s call it a wrap!

6 Cool SEMRush “Tricks” To Unlock Your Marketing Potential

Grabbing the top position in Google is a world of struggle. No matter your field of business, you need an advanced tool to monitor your SEO through every step. This is where SEMRush comes into the picture. SEMRush is a robust platform that allows you to look into your competitors and help you stay on top of […]

Wrapping It Up

14 Incredible Free Apps that will Unleash Your Content Creation Superpowers

Are you looking to step up your content creation game?  Thankfully, there are now a bunch of tools out there to make these jobs easier for us all.  But how do you choose the best apps to meet your marketing efforts? Truth be told, there are a few elements to consider: features, prices, and purpose. […]

Wrapping It Up

How to Implement a Successful Marketing Funnel – Putting the Fun Back in Funnel

Every business owner knows the pains of just missing a sale, but the real question here is, what made the prospect drop out at the last minute. And, how do you ensure that this doesn’t keep happening? The answer is quite simple: You create a marketing funnel that works. Let us show you how to implement a successful marketing funnel? […]

Wrapping It Up

Using Email to Attract, Engage and Retain Customers

Did you know that 99% of consumers check their email every day, and it is by far the preferred method to receive updates from brands? Not to mention that 73% of millennials prefer email communications from businesses, proving that email is far from dead. Let us show you how to do just that by Using Email to Attract, Engage and […]

Free Trial Email Automation Workflow

10 Awesome Campaign Automations to Scale Your Business

We’re all down for making our lives easier, right? Well, with automations, it’s your business’ opportunity to utilize a tool that can change the way you interact with your customers. In this article, we’ll be focusing on campaign automations in ActiveCampaign. You want to scale your business, and there’s an efficient way to do just that. […]

image of star wars cptain Phasma and stormtroopers

Why Real-Time Messaging & Chatbots are the Key to Unlocking Customer Engagement

Chatbots and real-time messaging have really blown up recently. Statistics show that 1.4 billion people are using chatbots on a regular basis. This is just one of many reasons why real-time messaging & chatbots are the key to unlocking customer engagement. Who hasn’t grown up with dreams of wanting a cool robot friend to talk […]