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B2B Marketing Tips That Work In 2022: Content, SEO, Social, and Authenticity

Is your content not performing as well as you’d hoped? Simply creating content and releasing it doesn’t guarantee success for your business. Content needs to be engaging and properly defined before publishing so it aligns with your target audience to create a buyer’s journey.In this episode, we are joined by our special guest, Ken Marshall, […]

Importance of SEO

SEO Fundamentals and the Future of Search for Business

It can undoubtedly be frustrating when your business or website comes up at the bottom of a search. That’s exactly why you need proper SEO optimization to increase traffic to your site and climb the search engine ranks to be visible to potential clients. In this episode, we’ll be talking to Vikas Singal, an entrepreneur, […]

Thank you!

Brand Tracking : Beyond Brand Mentions with Angeley Mullins from Latana

It’s no easy task connecting your brand to a targeted demographic without the right tools. That’s where the power of target market research and data analytics comes in! In this episode, we’ll talk to Angeley Mullins, CMO & CGO at Latana Brand Tracking. With more than 18 years of experience in growing companies and markets, […]

Thank you

How SEO, Digital Ads, and Specialty Marketing Strategies Can Help Grow Practices

It’s true that everyone needs healthcare, so why would medical professionals consider marketing?With the right strategy and marketing, your practice can stand out by reaching patients both new and old, helping grow your business.In this episode, we’ll be talking to Justin Knott, CEO of Intrepy Healthcare Marketing.Justin is a speaker, podcaster, and content creator that helps physicians and […]

Facebook - L@TH

The Power of Podcasting for Building Your Brand.

While communicating through social platforms gets your message across, it may not build the genuine connection you want for your audience.It can feel robotic, scripted, or even disingenuous. So what’s a good solution?In this episode, we’ll be talking to Roger Nairn, Co-Founder, and CEO of JAR Audio.Podcasting can engage listeners by delivering value in the form […]

Thank you Tyler Lessard

Pushing Sellers & Marketers Out of Their Comfort Zones With Video & Humour

Is there anything worse than dry, boring, or stale content being pushed out to social media channels?Well…yeah of course there is, but it’s still cringy. The key is: to blend video content and humour to spark engagement with your audience.And no.You don’t have to be a comedian to use humour. What’s on Tap? We’ll look at […]

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How to Sell Complex B2B Solutions and Foster Relationships

Have you ever wondered what goes into the engagement process of the B2B space?The world of B-2-B solutions can be very intricate.Selling in the B2B space is very different than B2C or product-driven spaces. Relationships are complex, every engagement is unique and requires a more complex team of stakeholders. Joining us on this week’s Live […]

Effective Examples of Automation

Unlocking the Power of Automation to Scale Content Creation

You’ve probably heard the well-worn term “Time is money”. With content marketing, a lot of time can be burned on simple or repetitive tasks.That’s where the power of automation comes in…Content automation can help your team’s workflow, allowing them to focus on vital sales and marketing strategies to bring in those new and returning customers. […]


Email Isn’t Dead, The Way We Think About It Is

You’ve probably heard that nasty rumour that email marketing is either dead or on the decline. Spoiler alert, it’s not! Hundreds of thousands of small businesses harness the power of email marketing every day.Statistics prove that email marketing remains one of the best ways for businesses to engage with their audiences. Let’s dive in and […]

That’s a Wrap!

Unleashing Creativity Into Your Digital Marketing Campaigns

Are your digital marketing campaigns missing that creative spark in driving engagement? There’s a solution for that! With time being an important factor in everyone’s lives, they are often too busy to hold attention for very long. That’s where providing a hook comes in! By creating engaging graphics and videos, you have an opportunity to […]

That’s a Wrap!

Boost Your Shopify Sales Using Social Media eCommerce Features

Looking for ways to increase your sales on your Shopify Store? We’ve got you covered! We’ll show you many unknown features of eCommerce that will help boost your sales! Let’s dive in! What’s Working?   Integrating Facebook with Shopify Steps to begin integrating your shop: Step 1: Install the Facebook Channel Step 2: Select Facebook Shop […]

That’s a Wrap!

Top Social Media Hacks to Drastically Boost Audience Engagement & Views

Are your social posts not getting the attention you hoped for? We can show you how to make the best out of your social media engagement with these hacks. Let’s dive in! What’s Working?   Reposting Your Content Properly Reposting your content is a free way to increase its ROI, get more traffic, and save […]

That’s a Wrap

Drive Growth Like a BOSS by Repurposing Content

Imagine you’re cleaning out your home, refreshing the space for spring, only to find some old clothing or piece of tech that hasn’t been touched in an eternity. Now that they’ve outlived their usage, do you throw these items away or find a creative new use for them? If you’re prudent, it’s the latter. Ditto […]

Wrapping It Up

5 Steps to Creating an Omnichannel Strategy for your E-commerce Store

You’ve built your online store, made sure that your mobile experience is strong, and developed a social media presence; by all accounts, you are doing everything right, so why are your customers not converting? One of the number one reasons is a lack of consistency across all your channels. With an omnichannel approach, you can […]

Let’s wrap it up!

Driving Content Engagement With Video and Humour

Knock knock.  Who’s there?  Honeydew.  Honeydew who?  Honeydew, you wanna dance? OK, so it’s not the BEST joke in the world, but we bet you got a SMILE on your face or possibly a good eye roll or two. Laughter truly is the best medicine, and it’s also one way you can drive engagement on […]