Honeypot Marketing Weekly Digest for 2010-04-18
- I just become a member of this AWESOME site that gets you TONS of followers: http://tinyurl.com/y8gx7sb #
- Site speed an SEO ranking factor. Thank god, finally. This makes for a stronger case for some online biz to invest more in infrastructure. #
- A beautiful day for some Top Content date comparisons and fixing our problem sections. Just another day in the SEO trenches. #
- Google News Optimizations have gone very well. Turn around time about 1 mo. from optimization starting to see ranking and traffic increases #
- Google News Optimization tip: use all XML tags within Google News XML Sitemap format - even the optional elements. Makes a difference. #
- If you're a site owner then you want to add Quantcast and Compete.com tags. That's where advertisers find you and you want accurate numbers #
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