
Recent Articles about Social Media

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10 mobile apps for the modern marketer

Like most social media, community and inbound marketing teams, we’re constantly on the move. This means it’s important for us to have mobile access to all of our most important tools. The list of social applications for the modern marketer is nearly endless. We decided to highlight our 10 most used applications, in no particular order, […]

Snicker social media campaign

Don’t try to be clever, be clever : The social media playbook

A terrible social media campaign can be hurt (or destroy) your attempts at turning your business into a successful and shareable online brand. While some have failed miserably in their social media campaigns, others have risen to the top, created fantastic campaigns and had a massive positive impact on their brand . I’ll be covering […]

Social media best practices for sales people

14 social media best practices for sales professionals

Facebook, twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Quora, MySpace and more – in today’s world, it seems like there are ever-expanding numbers of social networks. For sales professionals it means there are entirely new channels to utilize, it’s an exciting frontier! Unfortunately, it’s not fully understood and one-way communication tactics are often used in the two-way world of […]